St Nicholas’ Chantry

St Nicholas' Chantry CofE Primary School

Create Aspire Nurture
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Vision & Values

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do.

They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.

Vision Statement

St. Nicholas Chantry is a place of positivity and calm where everyone is welcomed. The whole community is inspired by a love of learning, collaborating and communicating together. The whole school family shares a strong moral compass and high aspirations, we secure the very best outcomes for everyone with Christian values woven throughout.

We care for all God’s children, unconditionally. As a rural town community, the Parable of the Lost Sheep (Matthew 18:12-35) and Jesus as the Good Shepherd (John 10:11) resonates with our children who feel valued and welcomed as individuals. All members of our school family, the community and the wider world are valued and respected. Each child is individually known, enabling us to ensure that every child achieves their very best.

We all try to be good shepherds of others, of ourselves and of the world around us

Ethos, aims and values


Our values:

At St Nicholas' Chantry we CAN -Create Aspire Nurture

We seek to inspire pride in personal development and academic achievement using creative learning opportunities.

We aspire to develop holistic approaches with parents, the church and the wider community to enrich our school family through our Christian ethos.

Together we commit to nurturing self worth and an emotional resilience to reach our personal best

To achieve these aims for children our mission is to:

  • Have high expectations of all children and ourselves
  • Create a welcoming, safe and stimulating learning environment based on Christian values.
  • Promote positive self esteem for all
  • Encourage children to take responsibility and show initiative
  • Provide learning opportunities through both collaboration and competition
  • Teach a broad, well-balanced, progressive curriculum which is based on a thorough understanding of children’s individual needs, interests and learning styles.
  • Resource the curriculum efficiently and effectively including new technologies.
  • Work in partnership with parents and carers
  • Develop and maintain links beyond the school community
  • Give children an understanding of their place in society
  • Ensure equality of opportunity and challenge all forms of discrimination
  • Celebrate high standards of personal learning ,effort and achievement

The whole school community is committed to achieving our vision