St Nicholas’ Chantry

St Nicholas' Chantry CofE Primary School

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                  Year 5

Sycamore & Birch Classes

Year 5

Class Information 

Birch Class Teacher - Miss Dyer

Sycamore Class Teachers - Mrs Darvill & Mr Stawbridge


Teaching Assistant Birch -Mrs Wintle   Teaching Assistant Sycamore -Mrs Want 


We are very excited to be working with you and your children over the course of the next academic year. 

Please find below important and useful information for your reference. If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in contact with a member of the Y5 team. 



Term 1 Newsletter

Term 2 Newsletter

Term 4 Newsletter

Term 5 Newsletter


Term 2 Newsletter

Term 4 Newsletter

Term 5 Newsletter

Reading Book Letter

Weekly Timetable


If for any reason you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to email us. These emails will be answered within 48 hours and only during school hours: 

Miss Dyer (Birch Year 5 )    

Mrs Darvill and Mr Strawbridge (Sycamore Year 5 ) 

Year 5 Recommended Reads 

Giving your child a choice over what they read is an important factor in boosting their enthusiasm for reading and children are more likely to be interested in books they have selected for themselves.

These age-appropriate reading-for-pleasure recommendations for 9 year-old pupils consist of a variety of fiction and nonfiction books for all ability ranges and interests. Please use the link to explore the list of 50 recommended reads for year 5, which includes a diverse range of books. 

Year 5 Recommended Books



 Weekly homework will consist of :-

  • Read aloud to an adult x3 times a week for at least 10-15 minutes each time.
  • Practice times tables on TTRockstars for at least 10 mins, x3 times a week
  • CPG Maths task
  • CPG Spelling or Grammar task.
  • CPG Reading Task

Reading VIPERS Bookmark

Homework books need to be brought in on Fridays where completed, self checked homework tasks will be checked. Homework will also be set on Friday's and the pages will be added to our class page every week. 

We understand that many of your children will be confident readers and enjoy independent reading without the aid of an adult. However, it is vital that the children continue to be listened to read at home regularly or are read to by an adult. Therefore, part of the children’s homework will involve a parent or carer signing their reading record each week to show that they have read aloud at least 3 times a week for longer than 10 minutes each time.  You child is required to have their reading book and reading record in school every day. Reading records are collected and checked on Friday mornings to track your child’s reading.

Homework Tasks

06/10/23   Maths - Place Value in Big Numbers Page 7                                                                     Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling - Page 4                                                                       Place Value in Big Numbers Examples

13/2/2023  Maths - Ordering and Comparing Big Numbers Page 8                                                      Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Clauses page 15

20/10/23  Maths - Counting in Powers of 10 Page 9                                                                     Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling page - Subordinating Conjunctions Page 22                 Reading - Why Recycle - Page 6 

03/11/23   Maths - Rounding Page 10                                                                                             Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Word Endings-The 'shun' sound Page 74                     Reading - An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth - Page 4

10/11/23   Maths - Roman Numerals Page 11                                                                                   Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Commas after subordinate Clauses                            Page 44- 45 

17/11/23   Maths pages 16-17 Square and Cube Number                                                                  Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Phrases and Coordinating Conjunctions                      Page 20 - 21

23/11/23  Maths - Multiples Page 18                                                                                              Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Linking ideas in a Paragraph pages 26-27

01/12/23  Maths - Page 19 Factors and Primes                                                                                 Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation Page 46-47                                                               Commas after Fronted Adverbials

08/12/23  Maths - Page 32 Equivalent Fractions                                                                              Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling - Page 13 Relative Pronouns                                            and Page 77 - Word Endings - The 'Shul' Sound  

15/12/23  Maths - Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100, 1000 page 21-22                                          Reading - The Wolves of Willoughby Chase Page 30-31                                                    Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - The Present Perfect Page 32   

05/01/24  Maths - Mental Multiplying and Dividing Page 23                                                              Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Verbs page 5 and Adverbs Pages 9 

19/01/24 Maths - Written Adding and Subtracting Page 12-13                                                         Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Modal Verbs Page 6-7                                               Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Homophones Page 94 - 95

26/01/24 Maths - Written Multiplication Page 24                                                                               Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Unstressed Vowels  Page 96                                    Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Present Tense and Past Tense Page 30

02/02/24 Maths - Multiplying with Fractions Page 36                                                                       Reading Comprehension - The Infinite Pages 8-9 

09/02/24 Maths - Adding and Subtracting Fractions Page 34-35                                                      Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Apostrophe Practice Page 60-61

Set 23/02/24 Maths - Ordering Fractions Page 33                                                                          Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Word Endings' ant' and 'ent' Page 78-79                    Hand in - 01.03.24

Set 01/03/24   Maths - Writing Decimals as Fractions page 38-39                                                           Reading - Pompeii Page 14                                                                                    Hand in - 08.03.24

Set 08/03/24  Maths Ordering Decimals Pages 42-43                                                                              Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Word Endings 'ance', 'ancy, and 'ence' and 'ency'  Pages 80-81                                                                                                        Hand in - 15/03/24

Set 15/03/24 Maths Rounding Decimals Pages 40-41                                                                           Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Paragraphs Pages 65-66                                             Hand in - 22.03.24

Set 22/03/24  Maths - Percentages Pages 44-45                                                                                    Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Using Conjunctions for Cohesion                                Page 23                                                                                                                  Hand in - 28.03.24 

Set 28/03/24   Maths - Fraction, Decimal and Percentage Problems pages 46-47                                       Reading - Portrait of a Dragon Page 2                                                                              Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Sentence Practice Page 39                                Hand in - 19.04.24

Set 19/04/24  Maths - Perimeter Page 56-57                                                                                        Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Pronouns Page 12                                              Hand in - 26.04.24

Set 26/04/24  Maths - Area Pages 58-59                                                                                        Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Trickier Relative clauses - Pages 18-19    Hand in - 03/05/24

Set 03/05/24  Maths - Angles Pages 66-67                                                                                            Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Words with 'ough' in Page 88-89  Hand in - 09/05/24

Set in - Maths - Angle Rules Pages 68-69                                                                                    Reading - Video Gaming Grandma Page 20                                                           Hand in - 17.04.24

Set on 17.05.24  Maths - Angles and Sides of Rectangles Page 70-71                                                         Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - ei and ie words Page 86              Hand in - 24.05.24

Set on 03/06/2024   Maths - Regular and Irregular Polygons Pages 72-73                                                        Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Apostrophes for Missing                                            Letters Page 56                                                                        Hand in - 07.06.24

Set on 07.06.24  Maths - 3D Shapes Pages 64-65                                                                                     Reading - Page 26 The Girl who stole an Elephant                                  Hand in 15.07.24

Set on 14.06.24  Maths - Reflection Pages 74-75                                                                                       Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Dashed for Extra Information                                    Pages 54-55                                                                                     Hand in - 21.06.24

Set on 21.06.24 - Maths - Translation Page 76 - 77                                                                                     Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Commas for extra information                                   Page 48-49                                                                                          Hand in - 28.06.24

Set on - 28.06.24 - Maths - Metric Units Pages 52-53                                                                                Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling- Linking Paragraphs Pages 28-29        Hand in - 04.07.24 - due to transition morning

Set on - 04.07.24  Maths Estimating Volume and Capacity Pages 60-61                                                          Reading - Tracking Basking Sharks Page 28                                        Hand in - 12.07.24

Set on - 12.07.24  Maths - Solving Time and Measurement Problems - Page 62-63                                         Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Prefixes Page 70

Hand in - 19.07.24


Year 5 and 6 Statutory Spellings 

During Year 5, children will be assessed on their writing. Part of this assessment involves spelling and the ability to correctly spell many of the Year 5 and 6 Statutory word lists independently in their work.  A list of these words and the Year 3 and 4 Statutory  world lists are attached below for your reference. 

Year 5 and 6 Statutory Words

Year 3 and 4 Statutory Words

Term 6 Curriculum

Term 6 Curriculum Map

Knowledge Organisers and Helpful Websites

  Knowledge Organisers


History Websites:

Romans In Britain

RE Websites:


Science Websites:

Animals, including Humans

Music Websites:


 Art Websites

Armature Patterns