St Nicholas’ Chantry

St Nicholas' Chantry CofE Primary School

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Year 3 & 4 - Redwood, Beech & Maple Classes

Year 3 & 4

Class Information 

Welcome to Redwood Class.

Mrs Sumner is the class teacher for Redwood and Mrs Youde is the Teaching Assistant. 


Welcome to Beech Class. 

Miss Gough is the class teacher for Beech and Miss Van De Velde is the Teaching Assistant. 


Welcome to Maple Class. 

Miss Tozer is the class teacher for Maple and Mrs Coldwell is the Teaching Assistant. 


Our PPA cover teacher for all three classes is Mrs Coldwell. 

The School Day/ Class Timetables 

Please ensure that your children arrive to school by 8:40am and use the fire door into Beech Class (Beech/Redwood) or the small hall (Maple) to enter the school building.

The school day ends at 3:15pm. Redwood and Beech Class will be collected outside of Beech Class and Maple Class will be collected via the New Hall via the exit opposite the gazebo. 

Please give us 24 hours notice if your child will be collected by someone who doesn't normally collect them.

Redwood Weekly Timetable

Beech Weekly Timetable

Maple Weekly Timetable

Learning Focus for this Term 

Knowledge Organisers/ Useful Websites 

History:  The Ancient Greeks Knowledge Organiser

Science: Rocks Knowledge Organiser

Art: Greek Monuments and Landscapes Knowledge Organiser

PSHE: Changing Me Knowledge Organiser

French: Habitats Knowledge Organiser

Glurbs French App

Computing: Coding Knowledge Organiser

RE: What is important to me? Knowledge Organiser


This year, the children will be asked to complete two pieces of work from their CGP homework books. These will be checked at school each Friday

Alongside this, we have set the expectation that the children read a minimum of three times per week which should be recorded in their reading records. Finally, complete 10 minutes of Times Table Rockstars each week. Logins can be found in your child's reading record.

If you would like to complete any additional spelling practise with your children, please find below the spelling rules that we will be covering this term.

Term 6 Spelling Rules

Homework Pages- Year 3

Homework Pages- Year 4


We are incredibly passionate about creating a love of reading within your children. Therefore, please listen to your child read aloud a minimum of three times a week. Even if they are a confident reader, it is important that they heard reading aloud to check for any mispronunciations and to practice expression and fluency within their reading. This doesn’t always need to be a reading book; your child could read recipes, information online, magazines etc. If you would like any tips for reading at home or more information about our general learning in year 3/4, this can be found in the middle of their reading records. 


PE kits should be brought into school at the beginning of each term.

Redwood PE days - Tuesday & Friday

Beech PE days - Monday & Wednesday

Maple PE days - Monday & Wednesday


 Please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the Year 3 & 4 team if you have any queries, questions or to share anything that is important for us to know. 

Our email addresses for each class:

Mrs Sumner (Redwood) 

Miss Gough (Beech) 

Miss Tozer (Maple) 

Recommended Reads


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